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Useful links
The following are links that we feel may be useful to farmers within the Penwith area.
- Agricology - training and support for sustainable farming practices
- Cornwall Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs - activities for 10-26 year olds in Cornwall
- Cornish Hedges - information on Cornish Hedges
- Farm Cornwall - Advice service for farmers within Cornwall
- Farm Safety Foundation - providing health and safety support for farmers, including for mental health
- Farm Wildlife - helping farmers to help wildlife on their farms
- Farming Community Network - providing support for farmers in times of difficulty
- Farming Health Hub - organisations working in partnership to provide support for Cornish farmers
- LEAF - organisation that works with farmers to promote sustainable farming practices, and contractor for the Horticulture part of our Farming Futures project
- LEAF podcast - helpful podcasts relating to the work of LEAF and good farming practices
- Nature Friendly Farming Network - supporting farming practices sympathetic to local nature
- Precision Grazing- provides advice and support for farmers working with Beef, Dairy and Sheep; and contractor for the Livestock part of our Farming Futures project
- Soilscapes - map detailing soil types and locations within the UK
- SWARM Knowledge Hub - sharing knowledge and advice on sustainable agriculture
Please note that the Penwith Landscape Partnership is not responsible for the content on third-party websites.